Classes and Events
The Barona Cultural Center & Museum is open to the public, and serves as an important resource about Native Americans for San Diego schoolchildren. They may attend private tours, special education and language programs, crafts, speakers and workshops.
Ancient Spirits Speak Classes

Upcoming Event

Class Cancellation Policy
• If you must cancel, please notify Barona Museum at least seven (7) days prior to the activity to receive a class credit voucher, less a $5 non-refundable
handling fee.
• Class vouchers expire – please use within one (1) year.
• No class credit vouchers will be given for cancellations made within seven (7) days of a class.
• A full refund will be issued for any activity cancelled by Barona Cultural Center & Museum
By their presence and/or participating in a Museum-sponsored class, activity, or event, all such guests and visitors at the Barona Cultural Center & Museum, both for themselves and for their accompanied children, consent to being photographed for non-commercial educational purposes consistent with the purposes of the Museum. If photographed, such guests, visitors, and their children also relinquish all rights to compensation or to require further consent for the use by the Museum of finished prints, images, reproductions, and copies of such photographs in all types of media, and to the loan and exhibition of such images in any form consistent with the purposes of the Museum, including publicity. The Museum will obtain consent for any commercial uses. If you do not wish to be photographed, or to have your child photographed in accordance with this policy, then complete a media form, available from the Museum Archives & Collections Department (619-443-7003, ext 219). Thank you for cooperating and assisting the Museum in its educational purposes in these ways.