2019 Barona Indian Charter School 7th & 8th Grade Heritage Project
In 2019, the seventh and eighth graders' Heritage Project focused on ethnobotany (the science of cultural plant use) and traditional games of Kumeyaay/Diegueño People. Students learned "herbarium standards" (proper care for a collection of preserved plant specimens) and techniques to preserve plant specimens while researching and writing about traditional uses of plants for dietary, medicinal, and utilitarian purposes. They also learned about different games played by Kumeyaay/Diegueño People: some for fun and some to teach young people important skills for life.

The Collections staff of Barona Cultural Center & Museum is undertaking an in-depth analysis of the Museum’s largest and oldest collection, the Speer Collection. An examination of each individual object contributes to the understanding of the big picture of the Barona ancestors’ long tenure in this region. This detailed catalogue produced for immediate access to Tribal Members, the public and outside researchers fulfills our mission as a Tribal Museum.